excerpt from Adding & Subtracting, two-person exhibition with Tyler Nansen, 2019, KOA Gallery, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford


Adding & Subtracting, two-person exhibition with Tyler Nansen, 2019, KOA Gallery, University of Pittsburgh, Bradford

Our landscape is full of opposites: mountaintops and river bottoms, piles and pits, growth and decay. As humans, we continuously add to the landscape while also subtracting from it. These contrasts evoke forms that can serve as metaphors for the human condition: hope and loss, longing and time, opportunity and distance. Drawing inspiration from natural and built environments, Tressa Jones and Tyler Nansen have created works that visually explore the concept of opposites in the landscape while reflecting on the human experience. Their creations invite viewers to consider how time and loss manifest in natural and constructed spaces. The result is an exhibition of pieces that interact with one another, the surrounding space, and the viewer, centering the landscape as a communicator.